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博士,教授,博士生导师,国务院特殊津贴专家,四川省学术和技术带头人,四川省中医药学术和技术带头人,四川省有突出贡献优秀专家。长期从事中药化学成分与中药质量标准化研究,探索和阐明中药药效物质基础,重点围绕川产道地药材附子、川乌、石斛、熊胆粉等品种的化学成分、炮制、配伍、药理活性等多方面研究,对建立其质量控制体系进行了积极探索。研发新药及健康产品10余项,主持多项科研课题,授权专利10余项,出版专著20余部,发表论文百余篇,其中SCI论文50余篇,包括Biomaterials》、《European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry》、《Phytochemical Analysis》、《Chemical Record》等著名期刊;培养硕博研究生50余名。



1. 国家科技部,国家重点研发项目子课题,2017YFC1701804,高品质道地药材中药材附子规模化种植及精准扶贫示范研究,2018.01-2021-12, 37.5万元,结题,主持

2. 四川省科技厅,四川省科技基础条件平台项目,2019JDPT0032,四川省中药化合物资源共享平台,2019.01-2021.12, 12.5万元,结题,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金,区域创新发展联合基金,U19A2010,川产道地药材的道地性研究,2020.01-2023.12247万元,在研,主研

4. 横向课题,熊胆、梅花鹿系列产品研究开发,成都晶博生物科技有限责任公司,2020.07-2022.07120万元,在研,主持


1. Xiao Haijun#; Guo Yiping#; Liu Hongmei; Liu Yushi; Wang Yumin; Li Changqing; Jaroslav Císař; David Škoda; Ivo Kuřitka; Guo Li*; Vladimír Sedlaříkp*; Structure-based design of charge-conversional drug self-delivery systems for better targeted cancer therapy, Biomaterials, 2020, 232.

2. Li He#; Qian Su#; Lan Bai#; Meifeng Li; Juanru Liu; Xiaomei Liu; Cunyan Zhang; Zhongliang Jiang; Jun He; Jianyou Shi*; Shan Huang*; Li Guo*; Recent research progress on natural small molecule bibenzyls and its derivatives in Dendrobium species, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 112530.

3. Zhang Zhen##; Jiang Maoyuan#; Wei Xinyi; Shi Jingfeng; Geng Zhao; Yang Shasah; Fu Chaomei*; Guo Li*; Rapid discovery of chemical constituents and absorbed components in rat serum after oral administration of Fuzi-Lizhong pill based on high-throughput HPLC-Q-TOF/MS analysis, Chinese Medcine, 2019, 14(6): 1-22.

4. Liu Hongmei; Fang Chengxin; Zhang Tingmo; Guo Li*; Ye Qiang*; Molecular authentication and differentiation of Dendrobium species by rDNA ITS region sequence analysis, AMB Express, 2019, 9(53): 1-9

5. Ye Qiang; Liu Hongmei; Fang Chengxin; Liu Yushi; Liu Xiaomei; Liu Juanru; Zhang Cunyan; Zhang Tingmo; Peng Cheng*; Guo Li*; Cardiotoxicity evaluation and comparison of diterpene alkaloids on zebrafish, Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 2019: 1-8.

6. Zhang Xiao; Zou, Lihua; He Yulin; Peng Cheng; Guo Li*; Xiong Liang*. Triterpenoid saponins from the buds of Lonicera similis. Natural Product Research, 2018, 32: 2282-2290.

7. Liu YS, Yuan MH, Zhang CY, Liu HM, Liu JR, Wei AL, Ye Q, Zeng B, Li MF, Guo YP, Guo L*. Puerariae Lobatae radix flavonoids and puerarin alleviate alcoholic liver injury in zebrafish by regulating alcohol and lipid metabolism. Biomed Pharmacother. 2021; 134:111121.

8. Liu H, Yuan M, Liu Y, Guo Y, Xiao H, Guo L*, Liu F. Self-Monitoring and Self-Delivery of Self-Assembled Fluorescent Nanoparticles in Cancer Therapy. Int J Nanomedicine. 2021; 16:2487-99.

9. Guo Y, Liu H, Xiao H, Yuan M, Liu Y, Sedlarik V, Chin WC, Liu J, Guo L*, Li C. Self-assembled Camptothecin derivatives - Curcuminoids conjugate for combinatorial chemo-photodynamic therapy to enhance anti-tumor efficacy. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2021; 215:112124.

10. Lei K, Yuan M, Zhou T, Ye Q, Zeng B, Zhou Q, Wei A, Guo L*. Research progress in the application of bile acid-drug conjugates: A "trojan horse" strategy. Steroids. 2021; 173:108879.


1. 郭力,参附注射液品质控制与产业化关键技术应用,国家科技部,国家科学技术进步奖,二等奖,2013

2. 郭力,乌头类有毒中药安全性评价模式的建立与示范,中国医疗保健国际交流促进会,华夏医学科技奖,二等奖,2013

3. 郭力,参附注射液的基础、临床与产业化关键问题研究,四川省人民政府,四川省科技进步奖,一等奖,2012

4. 郭力,附子的系统研究与开发应用,四川省人民政府,四川省科技进步奖,一等奖,2010

5. 郭力,病证结合动物模型创制与中药复方有效部位创新中药寻找模式研究,四川省人民政府,四川省科技进步奖,一等奖,2006
